Town of Lewiston Senior Center

Melinda Olick, Director
4361 Lower River Road
Youngstown, NY 14174
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: (716) 754-2071

Lewiston Senior Center Website


Senior Center closed today Tuesday 2/18 due to Weather! 


The Town of Lewiston Senior Center is open 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.. Monday - Friday. It maintains an open-door policy creating a pleasant and healthy environment for Senior Citizens. The caring staff is dedicated to the well being of those who participate in the many programs and services offered.


Transportation is provided for residents who would like to attend activites at the Center and medical appointments.  Shopping, banking and hair appointments as Van availability allows.  However, donations are greatly appreciated but no Senior will be denied service due to an inability to pay.  the Senior Van is in operation Monday - Friday from 8:30 am - 3:00 pm.  attangements must be made 24-hours in advance.  Senior Van funding provided by the Town of Lewiston and the Niagara County Office for the Aging.


The Van may be used by Seniors 60-years or older, residing in the geographic limits of the Town of Lewiston.  We do NOT have a wheelchair van.  If you require any assistance, due to liability restrictions, you must have someone accompany you to provide the required assistance. 
 Every Van rider is important to us.  Medical needs will be the first priority for service.  Seniors requiring hospital or doctors care will be scheduled prior to any other need.  In order to accommadate as many people as possible, you may have to be picked up earlier than you think necessary if there is more than one appointment scheduled for the same time.  There may be a delay in your pick-up for your trip home.
Clients are expected to keep driveways clear of any obstacles.  If your location is determined by the driver to be impassable or hazardous, arrangements will be made to pick you up at a diffrent location.

Travel within the Town of Lewiston will be at the suggested rate of .50 cents per one trip and $1.00 round trip.  Travel outside of the Town of Lewiston will be for the following suggested donation:

Summit Mall Medical    $4.00
Niagara Falls                   $4.00
Youngstown                   $3.00
                           Van Drivers remind you to "Buckle-Up" when you are riding in the Van.

Sanbornites Senior Citizens 
Sanborn Fire Hall
5811 Buffalo Street
Sanborn, New York  14132
Contact Sue Letourneau - Cell - 716-260-6569

Jeanette Collesano Scholarship Donations
Jeanette Collesano Scholarship

Lewiston Senior Center Monthly Newsletter
February Newsletter
Farm Market - FeedMore WNY
Stop by to purchase fresh, healthy, affordable and locally grown produce!
Mobile Market Flyer


Interested in holding a meeting at the Senior Center?  Complete the form and submit to the Center.
Senior Center - Use Of Building Request

Lunch is offered Monday - Friday  11:00 am - 12:30 pm
February Menu


                            WEEKLY ACTIVITY SCHEDULE

Monday     9:00AM - Noon         Jeff Lewis BC/BS (4th Monday of each Month)  
                    9:30AM                      Chair Yoga
                    1:00PM                       Afternoon Art 
                    1:00PM                       Pinochle (Looking for new players)
Tuesday      9:30AM                      Resistance Band Exercise
                    11:00AM - 12:30PM    Lawyer NCOFA (1st Tuesday of each month)
                    12:30PM                      Senior Club (1st Tuesday of each month)
                    12:30PM                      Travel Club (4th Tuesday of each month)
                    12:30PM                      Euchre      
                    1:00PM                       Bridge (1st Tuesday of each month)
                    1:00PM                       Technology 101 (2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month)
                    1:30PM                        Book Club (3rd Tuesday of each month)
Wednesday 9:30AM                     Silver Sneakers
                     10:30AM                    Larks
                     12:00PM                    Mahjongg (looking for new players)
                       1:00 PM                   Bingo
Thursday      8:30AM                    Mahjongg
                      9:00AM                    Wood Carvers 
                       1:00PM                    Exercise with Kathy 
                      1:00PM - 3:00PM    Grief Support Group
Friday            9:00AM                   Quilters, Knitters and Crochet
                       9:30AM                   Chair Yoga
                       12:00PM                  Trivia 
                       12:00PM - 3:00PM  Bridge 
Please contact the Senior Center (716)754-2071 for any questions you may have.

You do not need to be a member of the Senior Club to participate in any of the programs offered.  
The Center is always looking for newcomers.  Woodcarvers, Chair Yoga Participants, Senior Book Club, Bingo Players, Quilters, Crafters and Yoga.

LEGAL SERVICES:  A Niagara County Office for the Aging Attorney is availalbe at the Center the first Tuesday of every month.  Please call to make an appointment.

AARP DRIVER SAFETY PROGRAM:  Contact the Senior Center for more information.

AARP TAX PREPARATION:  Available in January 

SENIOR NUTRITION:  The Center is one of the many Niagara County Office for the Aging Nutritin Sites.  To make a lunch reservaton call by 11:30 am the day before you plan to attend.  The meal is $3.25.

FUNTASTICS TRAVEL:  The Travel group meets every fourth Tuesday of the month at 12:30 pm.  For information and details please contact Paulette at 716-297-4749.